
ASP.NET MVC view engine and HTML helper that renders Markdown.

Primary LanguageC#



ASP.NET MVC view engine and HTML helper that renders Markdown.

View Engine

Register the engine on your Global.asax's Application_Start:

ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MarkdownViewEngine());

You can also pass a custom CSS URL to be used if you want:

ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MarkdownViewEngine("/css/markdown.css"));

The views are searched in ~/Views/{controller name}/{action name or view name if provided}.md.

The rendered HTML is simple, it's a sum of:

  • <!doctype html>;
  • <style>a custom css</style> (sample) or <link rel="stylesheet" href="the provided CSS URL">;
  • <title>View's filename (without extension)</title>;
  • and the parsed Markdown content.

Also, don't forget to set the "Build Action" of your ".md" files to "Content" (else they won't be copied when publishing):

HTML Helper

@using MarkdownMvcLibrary

    ViewBag.Title = "My Stupid Page";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/Layout.cshtml";

<h1>Here, have some Markdown:</h1>
