
Download Blocked until OK Clicked

Closed this issue · 6 comments

/Library/Application\ Support/JAMF/bin/jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper \
-windowType utility -title "$title" -alignHeading center -alignDescription left -description "$dldescription" \
-button1 Ok -defaultButton 1 -icon "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/SidebarDownloadsFolder.icns" -iconSize 100

I'm wondering if some modifications could be made to this block of code to allow the jamf policy -event $download_trigger to execute even if a user doesn't click the OK button? In my testing, it seems that until you click the OK button it will not proceed with the download. I can see some of my users not clicking that OK button and wonder why it's just sitting there.

@mpermann Yes, that could be done. I believe if I do this I'm going to also add a loop to check and see if its done and also add a HUD display to show that it is downloading.

I'll add this to the list for next revisions!

Sounds good. For now I'll just add an & at the end of the command to get it to proceed and look forward to seeing what enhancements you make.

@kc9wwh I know this is to do with jamfHelper.app but is there a way to show that it is downloading in the FullScreen Dialog? Any user feedback showing that something is happening can/may prevent the user from rebooting.

@MauricioPellizzon the only issue with moving straight to the fullscreen is that the image asset is pulled from the macOS Installer which wouldn't be present.

Understood, we have changed the icon to something local to address that variable.
icon="/System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update.app/Contents/Resources/SoftwareUpdate.icns"

@MauricioPellizzon - We'll see if the changes I just made work for folks, but otherwise we can always look at that in the future.

Here is what the "new" HUD will look like...
screenshot 2018-04-27 10 03 06