
MSVC 2019 build template error.

red-001 opened this issue · 4 comments

MSVC doesn't like the usage of std::for_each in mastering.cpp, specially the usage in linkChannels and Compressor::process.

Replacing the std::for_each with a c++11 style range based loop fixes the issue. If c++11 support can be assumed, then replacing the legacy std::for_each usage with the new syntax is a potential fix.

kcat commented

What's the error? AFAIK, std::for_each and other algorithms are preferred over (ranged based) for loops. I don't have a problem using it if necessary, but if it's an otherwise easy fix to make std::for_each work, that may be better.


Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: build_version, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
2>------ Build started: Project: OpenAL, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140,68): error C2672: 'data': no matching overloaded function found
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140): message : see reference to variable template 'const bool is_valid_container<<lambda_be7e22dd6062f4a97dff432001761bc7> &,float>' being compiled
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140,1): error C2893: Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type std::data(_Container &)'
2>%msvc_install_path%\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\xutility(1975): message : see declaration of 'std::data'
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140,1): message : With the following template arguments:
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140,1): message : '_Container=Compressor::process::<lambda_be7e22dd6062f4a97dff432001761bc7>'
2>openal-soft\common\alspan.h(140): error C2062: type 'unknown-type' unexpected
2>openal-soft\core\mastering.cpp(430,59): error C3376: 'al::detail_::is_valid_container': only static data member templates are allowed
2>Done building project "OpenAL.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
kcat commented

And changing just the

std::for_each(OutBuffer.begin(), OutBuffer.end(), fill_max);

in Compressor::linkChannels and the

std::for_each(output.begin(), output.end(), apply_comp);

in Compressor::process fixes the compile error and the rest all builds properly? And this is using the latest Git master, not the 1.23.1 release, correct?

yes I'm using latest git master, and that's all I changed.

diff --git a/core/mastering.cpp b/core/mastering.cpp
index b9e8aa50..74fbda67 100644
--- a/core/mastering.cpp
+++ b/core/mastering.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ void Compressor::linkChannels(const uint SamplesToDo,
         std::transform(sideChain.begin(), sideChain.end(), buffer.begin(), sideChain.begin(),
-    std::for_each(OutBuffer.begin(), OutBuffer.end(), fill_max);
+    for (const FloatBufferLine& e : OutBuffer)
+        fill_max(e);

 /* This calculates the squared crest factor of the control signal for the
@@ -424,7 +425,9 @@ void Compressor::process(const uint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
         std::transform(gains.cbegin(), gains.cend(), buffer.cbegin(), buffer.begin(),
-    std::for_each(output.begin(), output.end(), apply_comp);
+    for (const FloatBufferSpan input : output)
+        apply_comp(input);

     const auto delayedGains = al::span{mSideChain}.subspan(SamplesToDo, mLookAhead);
     std::copy(delayedGains.begin(), delayedGains.end(), mSideChain.begin());