

jundengdeng opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi Kaicheng,

It's very interesting to read the paper, entitled Statistically Motivated Second Order Pooling. I would like to try to use it for my own research. Can you please share the code? Thanks! If it's not ready, I would appreciate it if you can share the the pooling layer by email.

Thanks and best,

Hi Kaicheng,

Could you also share the code of the pooling layer with me by email?


Thanks for your interests, I am currently cleaning the code right now and will publish the code as soon as I can. Please contact me via kaicheng.yu@epfl.ch and I would provide the first version of my layer implemented in tensorflow/keras.

hi @kcyu2014
do you still have a plan to release your code?


Yes, the plan is to release before mid October. I am currently involved in another project, sorry for the delay.

Due to the unexpected schedule of my late 2018, I again apologize for the delay of code-release. I have quickly clean the implementation and put it in the snapshot folder, consisting the final architecture I am using in all of my experiments. Please kindly check.
The complete version will be released after CVPR deadline.
