

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Keith,

I just want to drop you a note, to say this
Is awesome in your port/design to run in the browser.

What is most interesting is that I have also been attempting to port over the eamon series but to java. Amazing enough is I ran into the same things you did and very similar design decisions with the regards to retooling it to be a bit more event driven to be able to reuse base code logic and only need to code for custom between adventures.

I also went down a very similar route for command parser.

I’m still finishing the beginner cave, mostly testing for monster behavior and basic UI things.

So cool to find some activity in more of my favorite early computer games. I’m super partial to the Ultima’s (1-5) as well


Thanks. This has been a project I've had on my mind for a very long time. I even attempted a port of Beginner's Cave to classic ASP way back in 2000, but didn't get very far. Modern web frameworks like React make things a lot easier.

If you're working in Java, you might also want to take a look at Mike Penner's Eamon CS project. (C# rewrite.) I think he's mostly using inheritance to handle the custom logic, instead of event handlers. He also added a few new features like an IQ stat, which I might also do at some point, though I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm also a big Ultima fan. I played U7 and Serpent Isle a lot back in the '90s. I've been gradually playing 3 through 7 recently, but very slowly.

I will definitely check out Mikes CS Version.

Finally got the Beginner Cave working for combat, flee (both you and monsters) and follow. I need to double check on spells, and finish mainhall learn spell option. I’m close though - as far as I can tell translated the logic right.
The FD/TD variables were kinda of tricky to read follow in the original code.

Going to start on Minotaurs Lair (adventure 2)

Also recent changes I need to redo the saving of the new freshmeat back to characters file.