
-s discard-newer -a delete-discarded isn't deleting any mail

kirrus opened this issue · 2 comments

Preliminary checks

Describe the bug

Trying to delete 'all' older emails that are duplicates, error messages indicating no mails will be deleted are printed.

As a sidenote, this particular scan has been running for a week so far, on 3300 emails, and has yet to complete. I'm worried that the Warnings indicate that it's not going to have selected anything to delete even when it completes. It's using 15.7GB of RAM, of which the majority is in SWAP because this system only has 4GB RAM.

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. The full mdedup CLI invocation you used.

    $ /mdedup --dry-run -i maildir -s discard-newer -a delete-discarded ./my_maildir/

Expected behavior

All 'newer' emails be selected for deletion

CLI output

▒ 5 mails sharing hash 47dfeff7be8be6af507bfef326aa1d3ae889577024ca169b87a3f085
Check mail differences are below the thresholds.
Select all mails sharing the oldest 1610466501 timestamp...
warning: Skip set: all 5 mails within were selected. The strategy criterion was not able to discard some.


All data on execution context as provided by $ mdedup --version:

$ mdedup --version
mdedup 6.1.3
{'username': '-', 'guid': '6e84bceff95dbe900610213cbb0f018', 'hostname': '-', 'hostfqdn': '-', 'uname': {'system': 'Linux', 'node': '-', 'release': '4.19.0-14-amd64', 'version': '#1 SMP Debian 4.19.171-2 (2021-01-30)', 'machine': 'x86_64', 'processor': ''}, 'linux_dist_name': 'debian', 'linux_dist_version': '10.6', 'cpu_count': 2, 'fs_encoding': 'utf-8', 'ulimit_soft': 1024, 'ulimit_hard': 1048576, 'cwd': '-', 'umask': '0o2', 'python': {'argv': '-', 'bin': '-', 'version': '3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0]', 'compiler': 'GCC 8.3.0', 'build_date': 'Jan 22 2021 20:04:44', 'version_info': [3, 7, 3, 'final', 0], 'features': {'openssl': 'OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019', 'expat': 'expat_2.2.6', 'sqlite': '3.27.2', 'tkinter': '', 'zlib': '1.2.11', 'unicode_wide': True, 'readline': True, '64bit': True, 'ipv6': True, 'threading': True, 'urandom': True}}, 'time_utc': '2021-07-16 13:33:48.242631', 'time_utc_offset': 0.0, '_eco_version': '1.0.1'}

Additional context

Really struggled to understand the docs to do what I needed here!

All *-discarded were not implemented. This has been fixed by #290 and was just merged upstream. The next release of mail-deduplicate will make @kirrus CLI work for good.

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.