
Solus eopkg package manager.

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  • πŸ…±οΈ BSD (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, SunOS)
  • 🐧 Linux (Linux, Windows Subsystem for Linux v2)
  • 🍎 macOS
  • >_ Unix (AIX, Cygwin, GNU/Hurd, Solaris, Windows Subsystem for Linux v1)
  • πŸͺŸ Windows


$ eopkg --version
eopkg 3.2

Installed command

$ eopkg li
0ad                                      - 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game of ancient warfare
0ad-data                                 - Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy game (data files)
1. Would list all of the packages installed on the system.

Outdated command

$ eopkg lu
No update available
1. Would have created a similar list as li

Search command

$ eopkg sr 0ad
0ad         - 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game of ancient warfare
0ad-dbginfo - Debug symbols for 0ad
0ad-data    - Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy game (data files)

Install command

$ sudo eopkg it 0ad
Total size of the package(s) : 3.15 MB
Downloading 1 / 1
Package 0ad found in the Solus repository
0ad-0.0.26-46-1-x86_64.eopkg   (3.1 MB)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [finished]
Installation 1 / 1
0ad-0.0.26-46-1-x86_64.eopkg [Cached]
Installation of 0ad, version 0.0.26, build 46
Extraction of the files of 0ad
0ad installed
 [βœ“] Syncing filesystems                                                success
 [βœ“] Updating dynamic library cache                                     success
 [βœ“] Updating desktop database                                          success
1. Translated the output from French myself. Don't know the exact original English translation
2. The package manager doesn't have a specific ability to ask for a specific version from the repos, but has the ability to rollback to a specific previous version and back to a specific one. More info in the documentation https://help.getsol.us/docs/user/quick-start/package-management/eopkg#history-and-rollback

Upgrade command

$ sudo eopkg up 0ad
Update of the repos
Update of the repo : Solus
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum     (40.0  B)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [finished]
the info about the Solus repo are up-to-date
No package to update
1. Translated the output from French myself. Don't know the exact original English translation
2. The package manager doesn't have a specific ability to ask for a specific version from the repos, but has the ability to rollback to a specific previous version and back to a specific one. More info in the documentation https://help.getsol.us/docs/user/quick-start/package-management/eopkg#history-and-rollback

Remove command

$ sudo eopkg rm 0ad
[sudo] password for pm:
The following packages will be uninstalled to satisfy the dependencies :
Removal of the package 0ad
0ad removed
 [βœ“] Syncing filesystems                                                success
 [βœ“] Updating dynamic library cache                                     success
 [βœ“] Updating desktop database                                          success
1. Translated the output from French myself. Don't know the exact original English translation

Sync command

$ sudo eopkg ur
Update of the repos
Update of the repo : Solus
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum     (40.0  B)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [finished]
the info about the Solus repo are up-to-date
No package to update

1. Translated the output from French myself. Don't know the exact original English translation

Cleanup command

$ sudo eopkg rmo
The following packages will be uninstall in this order to satisfy dependencies :
kquickimageeditor dialog utf8proc libdvbpsi libmatroska pugixml libupnp python-pythondialog libebml 
Do you want to continue ? (yes/no)yes
Removal of the package kquickimageeditor
kquickimageeditor erased
Removal of the package dialog
dialog erased
Removal of the package utf8proc
utf8proc erased
Removal of the package libdvbpsi
libdvbpsi erased
Removal of the package libmatroska
libmatroska erased
Removal of the package pugixml
pugixml erased
Removal of the package libupnp
libupnp erased
Removal of the package python-pythondialog
python-pythondialog supprimΓ©
Removal of the package libebml
libebml erased
 [βœ“] Syncing filesystems                                                success
 [βœ“] Updating dynamic library cache                                     success
 [βœ“] Updating manpages database                                         success

$ sudo eopkg clean

$ sudo eopkg dc
Cleaning of the package caches /var/cache/eopkg/packages...
Cleaning of the source archive cache /var/cache/eopkg/archives...
Cleaning of the temporary folder /var/eopkg...
Erasing the cache file /var/cache/eopkg/groupdb.cache...
Erasing the cache file /var/cache/eopkg/componentdb.cache...
Erasing the cache file /var/cache/eopkg/installdb.cache...
Erasing the cache file /var/cache/eopkg/packagedb.cache...
1. Translated the output from French myself. Don't know the exact original English translation
2. To clear things out since they are multiple commands required :
  • rmo (remove-orphans) remove orphans packages. Ask for an output from the user (which can be automated via -y/--yes-all).
  • clean which remove the outdated package locks.
  • dc (delete-cache) remove the package and package manager cache.