
Create package manager groups

autinerd opened this issue · 4 comments

MPM now has support for pacman and multiple AUR helpers. Because all of the AUR helpers fully contain pacmans packages and all AUR helpers have completely the same packages (except someone adds other repos to an AUR helper), updates to a single package may show up multiple times. (If an AUR helper is installed, pacman is always installed as well); so all packages updatable by pacman are shown at least twice.

An idea would be to create a kind of "package manager group", so that only one of the group is used. (maybe with a hard-coded preference list, which can be overwritten by the user [maybe something like --pacman-group yay, when I want to use yay from the pacman group])

For example, we now have paru and yay as AUR helpers. We can group paru, yay and pacman into one group, with pacman only used when no other AUR helper is available.

What do you think of fine-tuning this behaviour by simply excluding redundant managers depending on your usage?

For instance, if yay is your preferred helper and pacman is polluting your entries, you can setup a configuration file in ~/.config/mpm/config.toml to exclude the other AUR helpers by default:

exclude = ["pacman", "paru"]

Your case is a good example for a custom configuration, so I added to the documentation at: https://kdeldycke.github.io/meta-package-manager/configuration.html#overlapping-managers


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