
New temporary VAT rates due to COVID in 2020

GregOriol opened this issue · 3 comments


It seems that there have been quite a LOT of new and temporary VAT rates changes applied in many countries, including some EU ones.
More info found here: https://www.avalara.com/vatlive/en/vat-news/covid-19-vat-rate-changes.html

Most are exceptions for some category, but one major change seems to be (so far):

  • Germany's Standard rate : 19% -> 16% from 01 Jul 2020 to 31 Dec 2020
  • Germany's Reduced rate : 7% -> 5% from 01 Jul 2020 to 31 Dec 2020

I've just added the reduction in Germany's standard rate to my fork. If it looks correct, I'll make a pull request.

I only maintain this for my own purposes, so I only modify standard rates that apply to SaaS subscription businesses.

Looks like Germany is the only EU standard rate drop. Am I right?

@timwhitlock Your change seems correct to me

and so far it is the only change impacting this file that I have seen, but we should keep an eye on the news in the next months

Thanks! This has been merged in #14 ! :)