
Incorrect formatting for tables

kdheepak opened this issue · 1 comments

This is what is being generated for tables:


│              Option              │Backgr│ Default │                              Description                              │
│lightness                         │light│nil      │Change background colors lightness. Options: 'bright', 'dim'.          │
│darkness                          │dark │nil      │Change background colors darkness. Options: 'stark', 'warm'.           │
│solid_vert_split                  │both │false    │Solid |hl-VertSplit| background.                                       │
│solid_line_nr                     │both │false    │Solid |hl-LineNr| background.                                          │
│solid_float_border                │both │false    │Make |hl-FloatBorder| have a more distinguishable background highlight.│
│darken_noncurrent_window          │light│false    │Make non-current window background darker than _Normal_.               │
│lighten_noncurrent_window         │dark │false    │Make non-current window background lighter than _Normal_.              │
│italic_comments                   │both │true     │Make comments italicize.                                               │
│darken_comments                   │light│38       │Percentage to darken comments relative to Normal bg.                   │
│lighten_comments                  │dark │38       │Percentage to lighten comments relative to Normal bg.                  │
│darken_non_text                   │light│25       │Percentage to darken |hl-NonText| relative to Normal bg.               │
│lighten_non_text                  │dark │30       │Percentage to lighten |hl-NonText| relative to Normal bg.              │
│darken_line_nr                    │light│33       │Percentage to darken |hl-LineNr| relative to Normal bg.                │
│lighten_line_nr                   │dark │35       │Percentage to lighten |hl-LineNr| relative to Normal bg.               │
│darken_cursor_line                │light│3        │Percentage to darken |hl-CursorLine| relative to Normal bg.            │
│lighten_cursor_line               │dark │4        │Percentage to lighten |hl-CursorLine| relative to Normal bg.           │
│colorize_diagnostic_underline_text│both │false    │Colorize the fg of DiagnosticUnderline*.                               │
│transparent_background            │both │false    │Make background transparent.                                           │

  1. There's a **** at the top
  2. The column names in the header are truncated
  3. The column width for the header is off

Fixed by changing the tables to Plain blocks.