
Closing a tab

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when I attempt to close a tab while having open more than one, I get:

E5108: Error executing lua ~/me/.local/share/nvim/lazy/tabline.nvim/lua/tabline.lua:641: attempt to index a number va
stack traceback:
        ~/me/.local/share/nvim/lazy/tabline.nvim/lua/tabline.lua:641: in function <~/me/.local/share/nvim/lazy/tab

This happens almost always if the tab isn't the last - the last mostly can be closed (right outer most - my tabs are from left to right).

My nvim is version 0.9, my tabline config looks as follows:

		lazy = false,
		dependencies = {
		config = function()
				-- enable = false,
				options = {
					-- If lualine is installed tabline will use separators configured in lualine by default.
					-- These options can be used to override those settings.
					-- section_separators = {'', ''},
					-- component_separators = {'', ''},
					-- max_bufferline_percent = 66, -- set to nil by default, and it uses vim.o.columns * 2/3
					show_tabs_always = true, -- this shows tabs only when there are more than one tab or if the first tab is named
					show_devicons = true, -- this shows devicons in buffer section
					show_bufnr = false, -- this appends [bufnr] to buffer section,
					show_filename_only = false, -- shows base filename only instead of relative path in filename
					modified_icon = "+ ", -- change the default modified icon
					modified_italic = false, -- set to true by default; this determines whether the filename turns italic if modified
					show_tabs_only = true, -- this shows only tabs instead of tabs + buffers

Afterwards, the tabline is crashed and only an empty line with a "0" is shown in the top.

PS.: Also noticed that tabline seems to mix the order of tabs. I basically only want the optical pleasing part of tabline with the default tab functionality of neovim.