
Front - The columns size isn't equal to 12

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It was made this was on purpose. I find it more aesthetically pleasing, especially on wide screens. Would love to hear your thoughts, this is a very easy fix if people think it’s ugly.

You seem to have an old version of AdminLTE (Bootstrap 3). With Bootstrap 4.4 you can change the container according to the breakpoints. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/layout/overview/#containers

You could have .container-xl to have your container fluid until it's really to big.

preview :

But for the index page (with datatable) I kind of like the full width. So may be pass a variable to layouts/auth.blade.php if you want a .container-fluid for the pages with datatable or a .container-xl for the pages with just a form.

This could be a config option.

Also this uses adminlte 3 which is the newest version of adminlte.