
Nuke's UserDefaults value with key containing app path

Pash237 opened this issue · 3 comments

Nuke stores last sweep interval in UserDefaults and uses full path as a key.
But since iOS 8(?) app data path changes every re-install. This causes creating a new key for each install.

It's not that critical for production since re-installs didn't happen very ofter, but annoying while developing:

kean commented

Great catch, thanks! It didn't feel right, and now it's clear why.

In light of the policies on the use of these APIs, it makes even more sense to rework it. I'll push an update later today.

kean commented

I opened a PR with a fix #718 and would appreciate a quick review.
It's exactly how it's implemented in Pulse; not sure why I even went with UserDefaults. It was a bit easier to implement with UserDefaults.

kean commented

Fixed in version 12.1.5.
I appreciate the report, thanks!