
Improve the documentation of ManagedTableDataset

Opened this issue · 1 comments


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Hello Kedro community,
I have currently a problem on how my databricks.ManagedTableDataset is created (Problem of type, precision of DecimalType.
To avoid that, I want to define schema in my yaml file in order define schema should have the ManagedTableDataset in databricks.
Would you have some yaml example on how to create this schema ? (with the DecimalType if possible 🙂 ). I did not find any example, and IntegerType (a spark type) did not match anything for example.
Thanks and have a good day !


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Users are struggling to use this dataset as there are limited example. I also found that the docstring has weird reference. The schema field requires user dumping a big json schema in YAML format which I find suboptimal as well.

It's not easy to figure out how to put that JSON format in yaml, so this is what I suggested temporarily to put this on catalgo.


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