
New enclosure rev 1 design problem.

joonasstenvall opened this issue · 9 comments

The rev1 pcb connectors do not fit the current enclosure design.

Expected Behavior

The pcb should just pop in. The tssr connector is too big for current hole. The USB-C might be problematic too.

Current Behavior

Pcb does not go in fully when assembling. Tried to install normally but I could not get it to fix.

Possible Solution

Enlarge the connector holes. I fixed this in a minute by plunging a soldering iron throw the holes in order to enlarge them. Would not recommend.


Was not ideal for my build. Altough I wish I did not have to enlarge the holes with an soldering iron.


Sorry for the bad pictures. I have my left half fully assembled and I did not want to take it apart for a couple of pictures.
Maybe the tolerances are so tight that my printer could not print it right? But when inserting the pcb for the first time, I did get the pcb in but there was noticable collision between trrs port and the housing.

The plate edge should not be flush with the case edge, as it should be 4mm from the edge (top shell will cover the gap). It should look like this in the end:


Oh my, I done goofed up. Your build looks great btw!

Hi, I am getting a similar issue.

From looking at it, the trrs port is a square where it passes, and the case is a circle. I guess I just have to make an expansion now?

As mentioned earlier in previous comment, the middle layer edge is not supposed to be flush with the plate edge. It’s 4mm extra on the sides.

I understand this, but the extruding PCB that the trrs & usbc is soldered to blocks the screw holes from aligning

Okay, turns out the test fit I had done here (#2 (comment)) was with a prototype version of the PCB that had the ports inset more by about 3.5mm.

I'll be reworking the middle layers and will post up new files.

Fixed now with ac02833
These have been printed and tested with the production Rev. 1 PCB.