
Reasonable spinner z-index

Closed this issue · 3 comments

tyrw commented

Currently the z-index for keen-spinner is set inline to 2000000000, which places it on top of everything else, including navbars. Yes, we can create a css rule for it, but seems unnecessary.

It seems like something in the hundreds (500?) would be more suitable, as that would place it on top of most things that the developer hasn't specifically intended to bring above everything else.

@twler thanks for the suggestion! looks like this is part of the Spin.js default setup, and could be overwritten here:

@twler did overriding the setting above help? Closing for now, but please ping me if you have any issues with that.

tyrw commented

@dustinlarimer Yes, overriding the setting is a good alternative to using CSS, thanks.

I would say the issue still stands though, since the issue was with the default not being sensible in the first place, and your solution requires extra effort just like a CSS solution would. But if you guys want to keep a z-index of 2 billion for a spinner, go for it.