
SDK filesize

thomheymann opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the recommended way of integrating keen into a website purely for tracking events? The SDK is huge when included using webpack and none of the visualisation logic is needed unless you're building a dashboard:

  keen-js: 203.7 KB (100%)
    json3: 42.28 KB (20.8%)
    superagent: 27.47 KB (13.5%)
      reduce-component: 405 B (1.44%)
      <self>: 27.08 KB (98.6%)
    spin.js: 11.33 KB (5.56%)
    component-emitter: 3.11 KB (1.52%)
    domready: 1.45 KB (0.710%)
    <self>: 118.06 KB (58.0%)

Is there a more minimal client for tracking events only?

@CyberThom check out keen-tracking.js for this. This is our new tracking SDK.. there are a few minor changes, but nothing breaking. You'll also get lots of handy utilities, like cookie management, DOM listeners, and data model generators. Let us know if you have any questions or hit any blockers!

@CyberThom let me know if this helps! closing for now-

Awesome - Looking much better!

Would be great if this can be reduced further by pulling out optional utils into separate modules but good start!

 keen-tracking: 48.81 KB (100%)
   keen-core: 8.18 KB (16.8%)
   js-cookie: 3.34 KB (6.85%)
   component-emitter: 3.11 KB (6.36%)
   <self>: 34.18 KB (70.0%)