
Create a Reusable Component for Generic Buttons with Responsive Behavior

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The game currently features generic buttons that exhibit different behaviors and appearances depending on whether they are viewed on a mobile or desktop device. This functionality is already implemented in various parts of the game. The aim of this issue is to consolidate this into a single, reusable component that includes mouse-over effects.

Current Behavior

  • Mobile Version:
    Mobile Version

  • Desktop Version:
    Desktop Version

Expected Behavior

  • Create a reusable component that encapsulates the existing button behavior.
  • The component should be responsive, adapting its appearance and behavior based on the device it's viewed on.
  • Include mouse-over effects for the desktop version.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Implement a reusable button component.
  • Ensure the component is responsive.
  • Include mouse-over effects for the desktop version.
  • Update existing instances where this behavior is implemented to use the new component.
  • Allow to add specific logic when instantiate a generic button