
Error - No logins found on local website, URL is entered in KeepassXC entry

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I cannot get the login/password to fill in to the (local) Synology NAS web interface (DSM). The interface is running on port 5000 and I know from experience that sometimes you have to enter .local after the hostname and sometimes not... (Linux client). So all possible combinations are entered in the KeepassXC entry:

Other website logins work, so the issue must be something with this entry... Can anyone help?

Expected Behavior

When visiting the web interface of the NAS: when clicking the key icon, username gets filled in (it is a 2 page login, password is on a second page). When clicking next, password gets autofilled in as well (possibly also after having clicked the key icon).

Current Behavior

When visiting the web interface of the NAS: icon appears, but when clicking it, error message: Error: no logins found http://hostname.local:5000

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Not easy to give reproduction steps as I only have this for one website, so no idea what the cause could be. Can be for various reasons: local website, http instead of https, ...

Debug info

KeePassXC - 2.7.6
KeePassXC-Browser - 1.8.11
Operating system: Linux x86_64
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 121.0

Make sure your entry url has http if your local URL is only provided under http scheme. The extension and KeePassXC defaults to https.

Make sure your entry url has http if your local URL is only provided under http scheme. The extension and KeePassXC defaults to https.

Yes, that did the trick! Thanks!