
feature request: - per-site settings \ turn off autofill+autosubmit for this page once button

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Owyn commented

Current Behavior

Some websites break when there's auto-fill or auto-submit enabled, tho those are very handy features I'd like to keep turned on

and the only way to unbreak such websites would be going into settings and finding auto settings manually and disabling them, then after I'm done with this website - going there again and turning those settings back on...

Possible Solution

just give us a button to disable automation for the tab from the extension icon menu

or per-site settings which'd remember this?

Debug info

KeePassXC-Browser Version: 1.8.11
KeePassXC Version: 2.6.6
Operating system: Win 10
Browser: Chrome + Firefox

IIRC there has been a similar request somewhere. Closing this if I find it later.