
Alt + Shift + I password autofill keyboard shortcut collides with Chrome's "Send feedback" functionnality

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I often take advantage of Alt + Shift + U / I / O KeepassXC Browser shortcuts. Mostly on Firefox and Brave up to recently.
Since Firefox is getting crap late, I replaced it with Chrome, much faster and stable.

That's when I relalizer that I can't use the Alt + Shift + I's KeepassXC Browser shortcut (to fill only the password) with Chrome since it's already taken by the later's native "Send FeedBack" functionnality.
Of course, I could remap this, but let's be realistic: out of the box, that's not very plug and play.

Do you plan to change that?

KeePassXC - 2.7.6
KeePassXC-Browser - 1.8.12
Operating system: Win
Browser: Chrome

Yes, we can change that. Although it's a bit problematic because the default shortcuts can vary between different browsers, and sometimes it's already in use internally. Either we find a one that is not used, or just leave this one undefined.

Maybe a solution could be to add a key in the loop?
The U / I / O is geat easy to keep in mind and aligned with de Username > Password > TOTP flow when needed to fill manually.
I feel like it's something to keep.
Then, I was about to suggest move from:
Alt + Shift + U / I / O
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Shift + U / I / O
... UntiI realized Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U is already taken by KeePassXC's Autofill.
So may be this should one should be remapped as well...

I don't have the solution, but since, let's be honest, KeePassXC Browser is far from 100% accurate when it comes to fill data where expected, these shortcuts are really userful. So that this issue certainly something that's worth thinking of, not to mention Chrome's marketshare.