
Need to Redirect Login Fields

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Current Behavior

On navigating to I am not given the opportunity to use a KeePassXC login until I choose Redect Login Fields from the extension menu

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Hopefully obvious. Of course you'd need to create an account there to be able to test.

Debug info

KeePassXC - 2.7.7-snapshot from the passkeys backport branch
KeePassXC-Browser - 1.8.12
Operating system: Linux
Browser: Chrome

I could not reproduce this. Can you enable Debug Logging from the extension settings and inspect the JavaScript console? See if it detects the fields.

I cannot reproduce it either (Edge on Windows 11)

It might be a bit more subtle. I can only seem to reproduce it reliably by going to and from there clicking on the "user" icon on the top right and then clicking the Sign In button in the dialog that pops up.

I could not reproduce this. Can you enable Debug Logging from the extension settings and inspect the JavaScript console? See if it detects the fields.

Here's the console log. We get up to here by following my reproducer update above:

VM8:96 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play method is not allowed by the user agent.
VM8:96 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play method is not allowed by the user agent.
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
(2) [input#email_signup_homepage_newsletter[email].w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:r…, input#email_signup_newsletter_form[email].w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-…]
application-a6eb34ad…2163c7d9fd3951.js:1 Segment snippet included twice.

Then once on the login page I had to Redetect login fields and the following showed up in the console log;

The resource <URL> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
(2) [input#spree_user_email.w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-1.focus:ring-light-…, input#spree_user_password.w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-1.focus:ring-lig…]
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
global.js:124 [Debug totp-field.js:90] KeePassXC-Browser - Error: TOTP field found but it is not valid:
global.js:124 [Debug keepassxc-browser.js:306] KeePassXC-Browser - Login field combinations identified:
global.js:124 [Debug observer-helper.js:195] KeePassXC-Browser - Input fields found:
(3) [input#spree_user_email.w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-1.focus:ring-light-…, input#spree_user_password.w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-1.focus:ring-lig…, input#email_signup_newsletter_form[email].w-full.focus:outline-none.focus:ring-offset-0.focus:ring-…]
global.js:124 [Debug keepassxc-browser.js:306] KeePassXC-Browser - Login field combinations identified:

And the login fields could then be filled by KeePassXC-Browser.