
Not showing multiple logins for one site

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Expected Behavior

Show multiple site logins

Current Behavior

Only showing 1 of my site logins (same url for both)
I removed the site detections and when I redetect for logins it still only shows the one account

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Debug info

KeePassXC-Browser - {VERSION}
Operating system: Mac/Win/Linux
Browser: Chrome/Firefox/Vivaldi/Chromium

You need to provide more info, like the URL's in your entries, the site you are using etc..

I cannae share that information unfortunately. Close case. No help. I'll get another password filler.

You could've shared that info via Matrix privately. But it's your choice.

Maybe it should mention that so people know lel

If there's some data that the issue maker does not wish to share publicly, it's ok to ask in the issue description if there is a safe way to provide that information.