
Passkeys/Webauthn support broken on Mac or if another authenticator device is present (?)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Expected Behavior

Similar to 1Passwords behaviour if the register button is clicked on it should trigger the popup from KeepassXC

Current Behavior

On MacOS or any other device that supports passkeys natively the browser hijacks control of the Passkey setup/login, and if you click cancel on it the request fails as it was denied

Possible Solution

1Password and other extensions seem to be getting the notification/trigger regardless of other installed webauthn/passkey providers

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. On MacOS go to
  2. Enter a username, click register
  3. Chrome/Edge Passkey support will hijack the passkey login/setup
  4. If you click cancel the request will be denied

Debug info

KeePassXC - 2.8.0-snapshot
KeePassXC-Browser - 1.8.12
Operating system: Mac
Browser: Chrome/Edge

There's no logs in the console for the extension page/background script, but the extension is loaded and connected, I'm just assuming that the issue is that the browser is beating the extension to it, there also doesn't seem to be a way to turn off the default browser passkey support to validate this :(

Compile keepassxreboot/keepassxc#10318 and the #2121 browser extension to see if that behavior persists.

Make sure the Passkeys option is enabled in the browser settings. Also enable Debug Logging and report any messages in the console.

Make sure the Passkeys option is enabled in the browser settings. Also enable Debug Logging and report any messages in the console.

Ah shit.. I totally missed that option, I checked it and it works, really sorry about that!