- 0
`jira sprint active` gives error on Windows
#117 opened by borrrden - 0
Not working on macos
#116 opened by paul-uz - 0
Installed but command not found?
#115 opened by paul-uz - 0
request a new release
#114 opened by chenrui333 - 0
Deprecation warning (Windows)
#113 opened by brandstaetter - 6
Does not list all boards
#52 opened by ktalebian - 0
Login with Personal Acces Token to server version
#109 opened by tbsmn - 0
Is there a way to provide auth for Okta <-> JIRA ?
#106 opened by jfroffice - 0
Sprint Issues are not listing
#105 opened by kaganozupek - 5
New issue creation error
#102 opened by v01tag3 - 5
- 4
GDPR changes
#71 opened by bennidhamma - 3
undefined method `name' for #<JIRA::Resource::User:0x00007fdbab0bb128>
#91 opened by nathan-fiscaletti - 2
Add ability to persist login values
#96 opened by jacrys - 1
Edit points?
#82 opened by DanMossa - 3
- 7
undefined method `name' for #<JIRA::Resource::User:0x00007fdbab0bb128>
#89 opened by nathan-fiscaletti - 1
documentation update to indicate password is api token for some login workflows
#74 opened by unphased - 1
Moving to jira-ruby 1.6.0?
#67 opened by msva - 0
Could not find command "__completion_bash"
#75 opened by reneatzi - 2
Output Option(s)
#54 opened by jessebutryn - 0
[RFC] tempo plugin support?
#73 opened by msva - 0
Multiple accounts/instances support?
#72 opened by msva - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Add pull-request links
#47 opened by rustoceans - 3
`jira issue comment` starts freaking out where too many characters are inputted
#62 opened by jamesalbert - 5
- 2
adding issue to sprint?
#61 opened by jamesalbert - 1
Ability to Edit User's Comment in Issue
#59 opened by taufek - 11
default index 1 out of range (1 - 0)
#51 opened - 1
Request to release new version.
#56 opened by taufek - 0
default index 1 out of range (1 - 0)
#50 opened by mferguson-r7 - 1
Demo gif has typo
#49 opened by ahungry - 2
Transition issue through multiple steps
#48 opened by lstrzebinczyk - 1
[bug] problem with parsing commandline arguments
#39 opened by msva - 3
- 6
Parse issue detail error
#42 opened by zhea55 - 2
Format/column for issues status
#45 opened by tylerjpines - 2
Feature request: get Jira URL for issue
#41 opened by aronneagu - 1
Sprint command doesn't list issues
#44 opened by tylerjpines - 5
vim keybindings
#31 opened by kyranjamie - 3
- 1
- 8
- 1
- 1
jira issue open with extra slash
#34 opened by imjma - 3
Credentials file permission
#32 opened by michaelmior