
Validation module: CSIP17 dependent on whether descriptive metadata files exist or not?

PhillipAasvangTommerholt opened this issue · 1 comments

The testCase.xml for CSIP17 has three scenarios:

One scenario where there is no descriptive metadata files in the package and also no dmdSec
One scenario where there is no descriptive metadata files in the package but a dmdSec describing metadata files
One scenario where there is metadata files in the package but no dmdSec

I am not sure that the validator (v.2.3.3) differentiates between these scenarios? Should there be integrity checks between existence of files versus descriptions in dmdSec as suggested in the testCase.xml?

Hello Philip!
I have tested and verified the following:

  • When no descriptive metadata files or dmdSec exist, the test passes like it should
  • When there are no descriptive metadata files but there is a dmdSec, the test fails, and it explains that there are files referenced in the dmdSec but they don't exist in the metadata/descriptive folder, like it should
  • When there are descriptive metadata files but no dmdSec referencing them, the validation passes, which is not correct, since it should fail according to the specification (2.0.4).

Note that i already made a pull request in order to fix this #188