
Cannot build from source, unauthorized to fetch commons-ip2 from Github Packages repository

prettyv opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying to compile RODA-In from source as documented in the README, maven fails to resolve all project dependencies and exits:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rodain: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.roda:rodain:jar:2.5.0: Failed to collect dependencies at org.roda-project:commons-ip2:jar:2.2.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.roda-project:commons-ip2:jar:2.2.0: Could not transfer artifact org.roda-project:commons-ip2:pom:2.2.0 from/to github ( authentication failed for, status: 401 Unauthorized -> [Help 1]

I'm not familiar with GitHub Packages, could this package be configured to be world-accessible or alternatively (additionally?) published to Maven Central?

I see now that GitHub Packages requires configuring a personal access token even for just installing packages from there. I believe it would be better and friendlier to have an alternative repository source for non-CI usage. I see you also have an Artifactory instance at, could this be used if Maven Central is not an option?

KEEP's artifactory is now used only for commercial plugins, and all packages are releases (Maven or other) are generally released into GitHub. Although the GitHub requirement for login is a bit of a hassle, it makes all publishing integrated and visible in the GitHub page, being it a Maven package, Debian package or other.