Content of metadata.xml doesn't match the submitted data
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi there
I created SIPs in RODA-in version 2.7.3 hungarian version. I defined multiple data in the cells and created EAD 2002 SIPs, however when I checked the metadata.xml the data didn't get to it's right places.
For example the unittitle and unitid dissapeared, because the creation date or original date owerwrote it:
<archdesc level="file">
<unitdate label="UnitDates" normal="2024-08-08/2024-08-01"/>
<unitdate label="DigitizationDates" normal="2024-08-07/2024-07-31"/>
After I realized the problem, I stopped checking for other issues, believing that this was the only one that happened.
Also, when I tried to define "Egyéb szint", the data disappeared from the cell:
I tried to create SIPs in three different ways, but the problems are the same.
Currently there are no sponsoring entities for the Hungarian SIP support in RODA-in.
If you are able to contribute with a fix, you can submit it using the GitHub's Pull Request option.
If you'd like commercial support, please contact
Best regards,
Luis Faria