
Class 'Keevitaja\Linguist\UriFixer' not found

johnef opened this issue · 3 comments

I installed the package
composer require keevitaja/linguist
and going with option 1
Add following line after the vendor autoloading to your projects public/index.php file.
(new Keevitaja\Linguist\UriFixer)->fixit();
Class 'Keevitaja\Linguist\UriFixer' not found

Sorry, i cannot reproduce this on L5.5. But at this point version does not matter.

Check that your opcache is cleared.

I am sorry didn't clear my Laravel version I am using Laravel 5.4, and how to clean my opcache, by the way there is one thing I try composer dump-autoload but no luck

in 5.4 you also need to add Keevitaja\Linguist\LinguistServiceProvider to your app/config.php service providers array.

but again this error says laravel cannot find the package. check your vendor folder and try if other packages are discoverable.