squeezelite uses quite a lot of cpu even when doing "noting"
GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 2 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. run squeezelite on rasperry pi
2. look at the process with top
3. even when doing nothing (no client connected, no music streamed), it takes
around 2% CPU
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I can see in the logs that it constantly does something like
[11:41:19.155988] process_strm:232 strm command t
[11:41:19.156951] sendSTAT:164 STAT: STMt
[11:41:24.103024] process:469 strm
[11:41:24.103227] process_strm:232 strm command t
[11:41:24.103330] sendSTAT:164 STAT: STMt
[11:41:29.006545] process:469 strm
[11:41:29.006747] process_strm:232 strm command t
[11:41:29.006851] sendSTAT:164 STAT: STMt
[11:41:34.023485] process:469 strm
[11:41:34.023691] process_strm:232 strm command t
[11:41:34.023792] sendSTAT:164 STAT: STMt
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Squeezelite v1.5 - RasperryPI with debian
Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by chrmhoff...@gmail.com
on 13 Apr 2014 at 9:42
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Maybe this is intended behavior of the LMS stream protocol, but can you somehow
lower the frequency or avoid that it does send those sendSTAT messages?
Original comment by chrmhoff...@gmail.com
on 13 Apr 2014 at 9:45
GoogleCodeExporter commented
It is normal for squeezelite to keep the connection to the server when not
playing. It will also stream silence to the output device and this is likely
to be what causes the cpu load you notice. This will stop if you "power off"
the squeezebox from the LMS web interface or other interface. The level of cpu
taken streaming silence will depend which alsa output device you are using, hw
cards are likely to be lower cpu than other outputs.
Original comment by trio...@btinternet.com
on 13 Apr 2014 at 6:59