
Make this a template repository?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@kefimochi I noticed in the instructions that it's problematic to fork the repo and instead its best to just create a new one and clone it locally. Could things work similarly if you turned this into a "template repository"? From what I've read, it starts a brand new repo but with a separate history, so it might make make for a more convenient workflow.

Great idea! Just made it a public template in the settings, could you please check if that solves it? 😄

Seems to work. The README might could use some adjustments. Here's a some screenshots to show the steps:

Click the "Use this template" button in GitHub web UI:
template screenshot

Name the repo:
create repo from template screenshot

Newly created repo has all files and just one commit.
created repo screenshot

Tested it with generate only, and seems to work fine.

@kefimochi I made a PR for the changes to README. Love what you've done here!