
Download Count not working properly

f-fuchs opened this issue · 3 comments

when I try to get the stats of the repository qkitgroup/qkit the download count shows 0 even though I too downloaded the repository, which should make it 1 at least, even in the unlikely case the repo really had 0 downloads.
Link to the repository:
I tried:
ghstats qkitgroup qkit
ghstats qkitgroup/qkit
ghstats qkitgroup qkit -d
When I try it with atom it shows a download count of 1430252 which should mean the program still works but why does it not work with the desired repo?

The qkitgroup/qkit releases don't contain any downloadable assets except for the source code zip/tar.gz archives. GitHub API doesn't provide download stats for those.

Hi, I am trying to find the number of clones and downloads for, but it looks like I have the same problem as above. Is there any way around this, or is the information just not available?

Hi @torbjone, see my previous comment:
Unfortunately, GitHub API doesn't provide download stats for the source code assets.