
how to draw a colum only use one draw call?would it be better to draw multiple colunm and row in one draw?

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this project is an amazing works!
but what confuse me is that you use only draw call to draw a whole column,
i assume it's beacause you use tex2d in position shader,but i tired in my own custom shader,it did'nt work. i use a noise textrue,but it only make my mesh's vertexs get a random diplacement effect, can't draw mutiple meshes.

so just a thought of me ,now you use single draw to drwa mutiple mesh , what if you draw mutile column and rows,would it be better?

and a little advice , use sepreate size variables for the debug textrue, in some case the debug shader could be very small on screen, so you can scale it like this
void OnGUI() { if (_debug && Event.current.type.Equals(EventType.Repaint)) { if (_debugMaterial && _positionBuffer && _rotationBuffer && _scaleBuffer) { var rect = new Rect(0, 0, _debugcolumns, _debugrows); Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _positionBuffer, _debugMaterial); rect.y += _debugrows; Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _rotationBuffer, _debugMaterial); rect.y += _debugrows; Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _scaleBuffer, _debugMaterial); } } }

` void OnGUI()

        if (_debug && Event.current.type.Equals(EventType.Repaint))
            if (_debugMaterial && _positionBuffer && _rotationBuffer && _scaleBuffer)
                var rect = new Rect(0, 0, _debugcolumns, _debugrows);
                Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _positionBuffer, _debugMaterial);
                rect.y += _debugrows;
                Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _rotationBuffer, _debugMaterial);
                rect.y += _debugrows;
                Graphics.DrawTexture(rect, _scaleBuffer, _debugMaterial);

Yes, it might be better if it's done with a single draw call. However, it will introduce extra complexity and instability to the code. I didn't have enough time for tackling it, so abandoned that idea.