Map not loading
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Hi I am trying to run the map in Qualtrics. But it doesn't work. Could you help me with this issue? Do I need to install dependencies first? I am not a coder any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
I get an error as 403 (Forbidden) with the bundle.txt file which I added to my Qualtrics library.
Similar problem here. Problem has been occurring for about 2 weeks. No problems before that.
When initializing the map, the following error is thrown (Javascript in Web-Dev-Console):
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild') at c (prototype.45d699cfb71157c2bc5a.js:1:30423) at HTMLSpanElement._methodized [as remove] (prototype.45d699cfb71157c2bc5a.js:1:6863) at fo.<anonymous> (map.js:107:425) at _.Kt (common.js:31:155) at xE.Ig (map.js:107:332) at IntersectionObserver.<anonymous> (js?key=APIKEY&v=weekly&libraries=places&callback=initMap:254:347)
Is this a problem with Google Maps itself or with the extension?
I think I have identified the issue.
In short, the map component tries to add a span HTML element during the initialization. Qualtrics seemed to recently change the code to check if there's a parent element whenever an element is added to the page but the span element does not have one so it stops.
I'm going to see if there are good workarounds and will let you know when I have a one.
Thank you very much, Keita. looking forward to it.
I updated the component to 3.0.1 which now uses Mapbox instead of Google Maps. Please try it out if you are still interested.