
Double data in Chrome

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • Chrome: 49.0.2623.110 m
  • Google Analytics Debugger v2.1.0

Somehow all data (pageviews, events) is double-logged, please check the screenshot:


I'm sure it's not the fault of my tracking code implementation or a problem with my event tracking JS, because, for one, double data doesn't occur in Firefox devtools (Google Analytics Debugger v2.1.1). Also, Chrome's Google Tag Assistant reports "1 Pageview Requests", "1 Events" every time when GA Debugger reports 2.

Thanks for the bug report.

GA Debugger watches for HTTP(S) requests to the GA domain and logs a beacon for each one. It looks like Chrome is now forcing all HTTP beacon requests to GA to be re-transmitted over HTTPS as a result of HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), this is why you're seeing two requests in the extension.

Request Headers:

Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:307 Internal Redirect

Response Headers:


Thanks for the answer, and thank you for making such a handy tool.

#32 should fix the issue.

Bug fixed and deployed in v2.1.2.