
[Kata] Web Scraper

  • A web-scraper (accidental typo as "scrapper" through clipboard) for Google UK to identify the listing of a wild-card keyword search:
    • Current search URL is defaulted to "www.gov.uk" (replace this with any Google result URL, e.g. "www.netflix.com", "amazon.co.uk", etc);
    • Current wild-card search is defaulted to "land+registry+searches" (the "+" will be catered-for, so space - " " - characters can equally be used);
    • Current result-set limit is defaulted to 100;


  • (Angular 13) Load the project in an IDE, install the various packages - "npm install" - then run the project - "ng serve" - it'll load with http://localhost:4200 but the back-end is catering for encapsulating the SPA through a Startup call, see below;
  • (.NET 5.0) Load the project in an IDE, then run the project - press F5 - it'll load with a dedicated port and will encapsulate the above SPA project through a Startup call;

Errors Experienced

  • -;


  • Abc;

What's it all about?

  • The solution is a (.NET 5.0) Web API and (Angular 13) SPA that is architected with a CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) architecture, it makes use of Regex and internal .NET libraries - e.g. HttpClient - without the use of external/3rd-party libraries to scrape a website (Google UK) for keyword criteria;


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