
Can be paging navigation.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

kekyo commented

Most Recent Idea:

  • Define a function to get article objects to next to older and newer the current article.
    • Naming is important. I have seen several instances of confusion in navigation due to misuse of words before and after.
  • Provide no way to render multiple articles on a single page directly/specialized:
    • Implement a function to assist in iterator cropping (skip and take), so that it is possible to cropping out sections of multiple articles.
    • Multiple article pages can be realized by preparing a method to perform keyword substitution in HTML.
    • However, MarkTheRipper does not recommend this method.
  • older function.
  • newer function.
kekyo commented

These functions are returned the iterator for continuous direction older and newer to end of category entries.
When we need to one or more older/newer entries, try to apply with take function in #24.

Newer: {foreach (take (newer self) 1)}{item.title}{end}