emacs26 conflicts with emacs26-nox in 26.3~1.git96dd019-kk1+18.04 version
Closed this issue · 1 comments
csrabak commented
In this version for emacs 26, an attempt to install simoutaneusly both X (GTK+) windows and text only version (nox) generates a conflict that shows in Synaptic tool.
If emacs26 is installed and attempt to add emacs26-nox via command line apt install, apt informs that emacs26 would be uninstalled first.
kelleyk commented
Thank you for taking the time to open an issue!
I believe that this is correct; if you want to be able to run Emacs both ways, you want the emacs26
packages. Have you tried installing that and then starting Emacs with emacs -nw
I'm going to go ahead and close this issue, but feel free to reopen it if that doesn't resolve your problem.