How to uninstall the startup version?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
AnopheliaMiratio commented
Hi there! This has been a revelation, because just as I got to start using Samsung Notes to access my notes on my computer, Samsung updated it to block out non-galaxybook devices.
My problem is that I am really annoyed by the permissions asked at startup every time and I was wondering how I can remove it. I'm thinking of using the direct-launch version instead.
kellwinr commented
To undo the changes (startup bat), locate & delete, then restart pc, the registry values will revert back to factory values
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\GalaxyBookMask.bat
Kindy read the readme file as the information was already provided. If you have faced any issues following the guide, you can open a new issue, thank you.