
Binding <C-s> freezes terminal

abenz1267 opened this issue · 5 comments


thanks for the plugin.

I tried binding <C-s> to OPEN_MODE.split, but it crashes my terminal. Any idea why?


Hey @abenz1267, do you mind sharing your ranger.setup() table?

            replace_netrw = true,
            ui = {
                height = 0.90,
                y = 0
            keybinds = {
                ['<C-v>'] = ranger.OPEN_MODE.vsplit,
                ['<C-s>'] = ranger.OPEN_MODE.split,
                ['<C-t>'] = ranger.OPEN_MODE.tabedit,

@abenz1267 it looks like we cannot override the ranger default binding for <C-s> which freezes the output. If you press <C-s> in ranger (not in ranger.nvim) you will see that the behaviour is consistent. See this issue.

Aaahhhh, interesting. I wasn't even aware of such functionality.

So what is the solution to bind C-s to open split windows in ranger.nvim?