
User should be able to delete tasks associated with an issue ticket

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Given a user is authenticated
When the user is viewing a issue ticket detail view
Then the user should be able to view all tasks associated with the ticket
And they should be given an affordance to edit the details of each related task

When the user selects the option to edit task details
Then they should be presented with a form, that is pre-populated with existing task data, where they can update information about the task such as name, description, status and assigned team member
And an option to delete the entire task

When the user selects the options to delete
Then they will be presented with an option to confirm that they would like to delete the task

If the user confirms deletion
Then they will be taken back to the ticket detail page, with the related task removed from the list

If the user cancels deletion
Then they will be taken back to the ticket detail page, with no changes made to the related task