
Program not deployin

Closed this issue · 5 comments

A friend said it works on his computer but on mine, it does not turn on

I am having the opposite problem, this app is deploying for me and I can’t work out how to stop it.

I am having the opposite problem, this app is deploying for me and I can’t work out how to stop it.

@MattyBalaam Restart it and it will close by itself

I found the problem, it requires a .NET 0.0 installation. Already sent an issue post asking them to make it clearer.

@MattyBalaam my problem is fixed is yours too, can i close this issue?

@MattyBalaam my problem is fixed is yours too, can i close this issue?

I needed to throw my server in the sea to fix my issue, so I now have no way to reproduce. Suggest you close this off and I can create a new issue if I see the issue on my smart fridge.