This README is for anyone who would like to contribute to Izanami.
If you're interested in Izanami documentation, it's here.
cd izanami-frontend
npm run dev
docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up
sbt -jvm-debug 5005
~run -Dconfig.resource=dev.conf
Once everything is started, just browse to localhost:3000.
In a developement setup, it may be usefull to craft tokens with longer TTL
sbt -jvm-debug 5005
~run -Dconfig.resource=dev.conf -Dapp.sessions.TTL=604800
To run test, you can either start Izanami and associated tooling (db, ...) with above commands or just run a suite / a test.
In fact, an Izanami instance and docker containers will be started by tests if none is running. This could be usefull for coverage / debug.
You'll need docker-compose installed locally to run tests like this, due to this issue.
To run test without having starting docker-compose, you'll need these env variables to be set.
To package frontend :
cd izanami-frontend
npm run build
To package backend (make sure to package frontend first) :
sbt "set test in assembly := {}" clean assembly
To start generated jar
java -Dconfig.resource=dev.conf -jar ./target/scala-2.13/izanami.jar
To build docker image (after packaging frontend and backends)
docker build -t izanami .
To test docker image
docker run --env IZANAMI_PG_URI=postgresql://postgres:postgres@host.docker.internal:5432/postgres -p 9000:9000 izanami