train errror
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ranking_loss, sorting_loss = self.loss_rank.apply(flat_preds, flat_labels) File "/media/ymhj/data/kxp/zkxt/RankSortLoss-main/mmdet/models/losses/", line 18, in forward threshold_logit = torch.min(fg_logits)-delta_RS RuntimeError: m
Could you please provide more details on the error? E.g. which model are you trying to train, which dataset, how many GPUs etc.
My model is,coco dataset,1GPU for 3080ti .At some point in the firstepoch, line 18 of file
RankSortLoss-main/mmdet/models/losses/, the argument disappears.
fg_num: 0
fg_logits: tensor([], device='cuda:0')
File "/media/ymhj/data/kxp/zkxt/RankSortLoss-main/mmdet/models/losses/", line 18, in forward
threshold_logit = torch.min(fg_logits)-delta_RS
RuntimeError: min(): Expected reduction dim to be specified for input.numel() == 0. Specify the reduction dim with the 'dim' argument.
Can you please also specify your learning rate and batch size on 1 GPU?
I solved the problem. Thank you. I'll star
Hi, I have a similar error:
RuntimeError: max(): Expected reduction dim to be specified for input.numel() == 0. Specify the reduction dim with the 'dim' argument.
Could you please share how you solved your problem?
Thanks in advance :)