SageMaker Deploy With StepFunctions

Step Functions for managing the deployment of SageMaker endpoints.

How to use

Create a new state machine with the contents of definition.json .


When executing, enter the required variables according to the contents of execution_input.json .

  • ECRPath : URI of the container image used in the model
  • ModelPath : S3 path of model file (ex. models.tar.gz )
  • ModelName : SageMaker model name
  • EndpointName : SageMaker endpoint name
  • EndpointConfigNameCanary : The name of the SageMaker endpoint config to use when canary release
  • EndpointConfigName : The name of the final SageMaker endpoint config to release
  • ExecutionRoleArn : ARN of IAM role to use when running SageMaker endpoint
  • SecurityGroupIds : List of security group IDs used in SageMaker endpoint
  • Subnets : List of subnet IDs used in SageMaker endpoint
  • InstanceCount : Number of instances to run
  • InstanceType : Instance type to run
  • MinCapacity : Minimum number of autoscale capacities
  • MaxCapacity : Maximum number of autoscale capacities
  • TargetValue : Autoscale threshold (number of requests per minute per instance)


Read the official docs for a detailed description of the variables.