
HKU - COMP7404 - Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning - Group Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • HKU COMP7404(2018)
  • Machine Learning Group Project
  • Team C
  • Collaborative Filtering (Latent Factors Method)

List of Files

Name Description
demonstration.ipynb Jupyter Notebook for the demonstration
ex8_movies.mat The data required by the demontration
movie_ids.txt The movie names required by the demontration
movieList.txt Shortlist the 100 movies for your reference
presentation.pptx Pointpoint for the presentation
proposal.md The original project proposal
README.md This file
scripts.docx The scripts for a video that explains the demonstration

System Requirements

  1. Python 3.6.1
  2. NumPy 1.12.1
  3. SciPy 0.19.0
  4. Jupyter Notebook


To run the demonstration, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your environment meet the system requirements.
  2. Start the Jupyter Notebook.
  3. Open the notebook demonstration.ipynb.
  4. Make sure movie_ids.txt and ex8_movies.mat are at the same directory.
  5. Select the menu Kernel -> Restart & Run All to run the notebook.

List of Members

  • Chan, Kin Wah
  • Choi, Chun Kit
  • Lee, Wai Yin
  • Wong, Cheuk Lam