Java Backend Home Project

this project is made by these framework

  1. Dropwizard - web framework
  2. JOOQ - sql api


Before starting to develop, please Fork this project to your github account, when you finished please send the Forked repo link back

What you have to implement

This is a simple bank service, let admin manage customer's wallet with transfer operation, the needed schema will generate automatically when you bootstrap your docker mysql image, please to see docker-compose.yml for detail configurations.

  1. admin authentication
  2. user wallet transfer

P.S. All the task you have to do is already comment with


Environment setting

  1. IntelliJ IDE (recommend)
  2. Docker & Docker compose (must) - help you set up dependency system component
  3. Postman (recommend) - help you test your restful api endpoint
  4. JAVA 8 Development Kit(must)

How to run

  • install JDK 8
  • install docker & docker composer, then run docker compose in CLI
docker-compose up -d
  • run project with CLI in working_directory
mvn clean package
java -jar target/bank-1.0-shaded.jar server
  • Import Postman setting in working_directory/postman, then call API with postman to verify your code works very well

Initial Data


account password
root password


id amount
1 10000
2 10000


  • Please trust the autocomplete provided by your IDE, you can find many hints.

  • As for Jooq, the basic code usage can be: (BIG HINT)

DSL.using(configuration). ...

Please use this code segment and your IDE autocomplete to find the method you should use. (Of course, please read document if you need.)

  • Please finish this project if you can. But don't worry if the project is not completed, you can share the parts which you finished with us.
  • Welcome to share your idea and ask questions to us, don't be shy.
  • api flow diagram

api flow