
Book branch problem, need your help

JuliusMa opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
In the SLM_Lab-book branch,I run the reinfoce-cartpolp with search mode.There is a exception coming out . It happened on the when worked on the line of 129 which is"for ray_trial in ray_trials"

To Reproduce

  1. windows os
  2. on the book branch

Error logs

<class 'ray.tune.analysis.experiment_analysis.ExperimentAnalysis'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/PythonProject/SLM-Lab-book/", line 99, in
File "D:/PythonProject/SLM-Lab-book/", line 91, in main
File "D:/PythonProject/SLM-Lab-book/", line 75, in get_spec_and_run
run_spec(spec, lab_mode)
File "D:/PythonProject/SLM-Lab-book/", line 55, in run_spec
File "D:\PythonProject\SLM-Lab-book\slm_lab\experiment\", line 204, in run
trial_data_dict = search.run_ray_search(self.spec)
File "D:\PythonProject\SLM-Lab-book\slm_lab\experiment\", line 130, in run_ray_search
for ray_trial in ray_trials:
TypeError: 'ExperimentAnalysis' object is not iterable


kengz commented

Hi sorry we don't officially support windows. But there's a guide made by a user for windows could you please try with that and see?

kengz commented

On second look, looks like you're running in a bash shell.
I suspect this is due to the version of ray. Could you share the output of:

conda activate lab
conda list