
Compatibility to M1 Mac

jmSNU opened this issue · 1 comments

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I have successfully completed the entire setup, but I am encountering an issue with the 'python' command. Despite diligently following the provided instructions and attempting to troubleshoot the problem on my own, I have been unable to identify the source of the issue. I would appreciate it if you could confirm whether SLM-Lab works on an ARM64 Macbook. If successful, please share the detailed process, including preparation steps for Linux.

To Reproduce

  1. OS and environment: M1 MacBook air Sonoma 14.2.1
  2. SLM Lab git SHA (run git rev-parse HEAD to get it): 5fa5ee3
  3. spec file used: slm_lab/spec/demo.json

Additional context
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Python shut down sometime.

Error logs

(lab) ijeongmin@ijeongmin-ui-MacBookAir SLM-Lab % python slm_lab/spec/demo.json dqn_cartpole dev
zsh: illegal hardware instruction  python slm_lab/spec/demo.json dqn_cartpole dev