
A jQuery plugin for highlighting terms in a string.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tiny jQuery plugin for highlighting terms within a string.

The idea is simple.

  • You have a string.
  • You'd like to highlight some of the words in the string.

There are other highlight plugins that require an object. This plugin takes a string and an array of terms/keywords and outputs a string with the highlighted terms.

Here's a Demo

How Do I Use It?

jQuery or Zepto are required. Pass the function a string along with some terms you'd like to highlight.

<script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/jquery.simplehighlights.js"></script>
	var string = $('#content').html(); // OR -- var string = 'some string from a json return';
	var terms = [ // OR -- var terms = 'some array from json return';
	var newString = $.simpleHighlight( string, terms );
	$('#content').html(newString); // Send your new string to replace the old string

Add some CSS to handle your highlighted terms.

.matchedTerm {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: green;